
My Day, My Way...

Hello peeps!!

Today is my birthday! Happy Birthday to me!! =D

Let me just tell you that I woke up this morning scratched my head, and forgot that I cut my hair off yesterday! Lawd, I went through about three seconds of complete terror! LOL! I'm ok now, but that was crazy! I want to thank all of you guys for your support in my last post, on FaceBook as well as Twitter. It means the world to me.

For todays "do" I wet my hair a little, twisted it up, then let it air dry all afternoon. When I took the twists out, this is what I got & I like it!

I have a self proclaimed "Birthday Dress" from ASOS that I will be wearing sometime this weekend. I'm a little nervous about styling my hair for a more dressy look. I'll watch a few more YouTube videos to get some ideas. I'm sure it will be fine.

Todays OOTD is post #4 of my birthday week. I'm doing real good at keeping this up. Kuddos to all of the bloggers who post every day. It's hard to do, and if I wasn't off of work this week, I don't think I could have done it.

I've previously worn this skirt as a dress, seen here. I love its versatility.

Until next time…

Tank - Dots
Skirt - Little boutique in the mall
Shoes -  DSW



Happy Hump Day!! Welcome to post #3 of my birthday week!

This post is special to me because it debuts my new look. I "BIG chopped" y'all!! I have always had thick, long hair. I've had short cuts in the past, but it's been relaxed since I was 12 or 13 years old.

Cut to present. It has been around 10 or 11 months since my last relaxer. I didn't start with the expectation of going natural, but it slowly but surely shifted that way. Today, as I sat home and chilled (I have the rest of the week off), I watched a few YouTube videos about natural hair, and suddenly I got the itch. Although I was scared, I knew I would do it. To be honest, the only opinion I was worried about was my husbands. And since he loves me regardless, I knew it would be ok.

Then… I did it! And you know what?! I love it! =D When my daughter came home, she told me how much she loved it as well.

The first pic I took after I cut it. That's my "don't mess wit me" face =D

I can't say that I will never go back to relaxing, but for now, it's time for me to get to know my curls/coils.

Until next time…

Dress - Target
Wedges - Target



Hey peeps! The week is moving by slowly, but surely. Tuesday was a beast for me at work, as expected. But that's over and I am officially on vaca! Woot-woot!! I hope you guys are having a great week so far.

Now on to Day 2 of my "birthday week" posts.

This OOTD is something that I have been wanting to put together for a while. I wasn't quite sure if I could "pull off" the blazer with shorts look, so I was hesitant. But you know what?! DONE!

Also, I haven't worn cut-offs since I used to cut my jeans to make my own "Daisy Dukes" in high-school. It wasn't called DIY then. LOL! Just thinking about that makes me want to sing the song by The 69 Boys. "Look at dem gurls with the Daisy Dukes on!!!!" Don't try to act like I'm the only one who knows that song either!

Anyhoo, while these are not as short as Dukes, seeing cut-offs all over the blog world has made me rekindle my love for them. Don't worry. I won't be going "Duke" crazy any time soon, but they served their purpose with this look.

Until next time…

The tan lines at my ankles are serious!

Blazer - Old Navy
White Tee - Dots
Cut-offs/Shorts - ???
Shoes - Madden Girl - DSW
Necklace - Thierry Accessories



Happy Monday y'all!! It's my "Birthday Week", and I'm excited! Yup, I said WEEK! I'm not doing anything in particular all week (with the exception of being off work starting Wednesday). But I will be doing is looking cute & being happy. My actual birthday is August 30th, but there's nothing wrong with self celebration for a few more days. Shout out to all my Virgos out there!!

With that said, I'm going to challenge myself to post every day this week, right on down to the final look which will be my new ASOS birthday dress =D. Now, on to the OOTD…

This vest was dressed up in my previous post. This time, it's with a more casual look. You'll be seeing a lot of this vest because it's my new favorite item. I just love it! I don't even remember where I purchased this skirt, but I know I've had it for years. The hem of it just makes me want to twirl, so I'm never getting rid of it! (please excuse the wrinkles… sitting all day at work)

Until next time…

Vest - Forever 21
Tank - Target
Skirt - ???
Shoes - Target


This, is the remix...

Good evening peeps! Hope everyone's week is going well. So far so good at work for me. Today was a little hectic, but nothing that I couldn't handle. My birthday is Thursday of next week and I have most of the week off, so no one is gonna steal my joy! lol!

Anyhoo, on to the OOTD!

As a Blogger who works in a corporate environment & has two children (one of which is a 7 year old boy), I post outfits that I wear for work, play, weekend errands and everything in between.  But for some reason, the outfits that I love posting the most, are date-night looks... and today is no exception.

Until next time...

I added this picture because for some reason, it just seems imperfectly perfect to me. =D

Confession time! This "skirt" is actually a sleeveless top.

 I looked at it last weekend, and just felt done with wearing it. Rather than give it away, I turned to something that I've learned while blogging. Remix/Repurpose. With the help of my daughter and her sewing machine, the arm holes were sewn shut. The top of the shirt was taken in a bit to hug my waist... and Wa-lah!! I love how it turned out.

What have you remixed and/or repurposed lately?

Club pic from about a month ago (out with my girls)

Jean Vest - Forever 21
Black Tank - Target
Skirt/Top - Kohls
Wedges - Urbanog.com


Weekend Girl...

Hope you guys enjoyed your weekend, because it's back to the 9 to 5 tomorrow! I had a nice weekend. As usual, lots of family time. Just hanging with the kiddos and the hubby trying to enjoy what's left of the summer.

Went to catch the "Sparkle" movie today. I thought it was pretty good. The movie deviated from some of the story lines that I thought were pretty important to the original, but that didn't take away my feeling that it was a good movie. As the movie went on, I made myself forget that it was a remake, and took the movie for what it was. The music was jumpin, and Mike Epps gave a great performance.

On to the OOTD. I wore this today to the movies. Simple. Comfy. Cute. Now that I look at the pics, I figure the belt could have been left out or swapped for a skinny one, but hey… hindsight, right?

My hair is still a work in progress. I'm working on transitioning to natural, and it's hard work. *sigh*

Until next time…

These shoes are so comfy!! Love them!

Top - Baby Phat - Herbergers
Shorts - Target
Shoes - Madden Girl - DSW


Blogger Inspiration...

How's everyone's week coming along so far? I didn't work Monday, so that was great, but today was really hectic. Short work weeks are always tough. Almost makes me wish that I had gone to work Monday… well, not really, but you know what I mean. ;)

Today's outfit is totally inspired by one of my favorite bloggers. When I saw that Lexy over at BeautyFash posted the below OOTD, my mind immediately scanned my closet. Lexy is always bringing her A-game. I love her blog because she's a working mom & wife, like myself. I relate to her posts and Twitter updates on a regular basis (she may or may not know this, ha).

My outfit is not an exact replica, but it's my interpretation of this comfy/casual look. 

Until next time...

On another note: As you can see, these pics debut my afro puff. This puff is very special to me, as I have been trying to accomplish the look for months and months. I took my twists down, and wha-la!! There it was! I will get better at styling it as I get more acquainted with my natural hair. Wish me luck!! LOL!

Button down - Old Navy
Tunic/Tank - Target
Maxi Skirt - Stella Blu (neighborhood boutique)
Flats - Target


Celebrity Inspiration...

I hope your weekend has been going a fabulous as mine. Hubby and I have been kickin it all weekend as if we've had something in particular to celebrate. My weekends are never this packed. Thursday, we went to a Dave Chappelle comedy show. Friday, we went to a club to hear some live music. And Saturday, we went out for a nice dinner at an AWESOME restaurant. Today, I'm on chill mode. I will be taking my Kinky Twists down and relaxing.

Saturday I wore a super cute dress that I picked up on clearance a few months ago from Torrid. When I saw it, I immediately thought of this dress that Alicia Keys wore a while ago. Isn't she FAB?!

 The dress was yet another purchase that I made in a size 16 with the expectation of being able to fit it comfortably sooner rather than later. I'm there y'all(personal victory)!! I am completely in love with this dress!! It's super comfortable. I can't say enough about it! The silhouette that it creates brings out my inner sexy! lol!! (please excuse the lap wrinkles, as it wrinkles easily when I sit)

Until next time…

Dress - Torrid
Shoes - Urbanog.com