
Hanging In There...

Hey peeps!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!! I know I did. Sharing time with family and friends is always a wonderful thing! Add in presents, and you've got yourself a party!! lol! 

Being that it's been almost a month since the last time I've blogged, I'm ashamed to call myself a blogger. With no camera, no no natural light, and the freezing temps, I been strugglin y'all! 

I've still been going strong with my workouts (with the exception of the past week or so). Now that the holidays are over, I'm back on my grind though. I'm still smitten with my hair. The growth over the past few months has been nothing short of awesome. And lastly, I have recently taken a liking to scarves... As you'll see below.

I'm including a few basic snapshots of my goings on via Instagram (again). I'm hooked! I truly love it over there =D. Won't you join me?!?!?

Now I'm off to visit all of your blogs. Until next time...

I love me some bathroom photo-shoots!

You can always catch me at the gym. That sweat is real folks!!

OOTD= Old Navy Blazer, Old NavyStriped skirt, Steve Madden heels

This was a Curves and Confidence inspired look. I'm so upset that I couldn't get pics of the entire outfit =(

I'm sure people think I'm crazy taking pics in the gym all the time, Ha! (never mind the crazy hair)

OOTD = Rue 21 Top, Target Scarf, Old Navy Skinnies & Target boots. That's been my "go to" lately

Again?? Yup!

I just wanted to toss in a throwback pic for kicks and giggles (that's me in the yellow, ha!)

Todays OOTD = Gifted Jean jacket, Forever 21 Skinnies, Sears Scarf & Target Boots

Me and my babygirl on Christmas Eve. I'm trying to get to her hair level!

OOTD = Herbergers Dress, Target Leggings, Old Navy Scarf and Target Boots (BTW, I love my puff in this pic)

It's true what they say… Black is slimming! =D

OOTD = Old Navy Striped Skirt, Rue 21 Jean Jacket, Market Scarf & Target boots

I'm back behind the wheel of my car!! I was using public transportation for a while there. It's good to be rolling again!

Hubby copped me another pair of J's for Christmas!! I was sooooo excited!



Hey peeps!! As usual, I hope you all have been doing well. I've been good. Around as usual.

This is not my usual style/OOTD post. Now that a new year is approaching, I wanted to talk a little about goals. My goals. I also thought it would be fun to take a trip down memory lane with a few of my earlier pics from the blog. =D I started blogging back in September of 2011. Yes, my baby turned 1 a few months ago. 

When I started, I had no idea what I was getting into. All I knew, was that I had seen a few other blogs written by real women, with real style and I wanted to be involved. I wanted to evolve. I was bored with my "look" and wanted to document any changes and/or or transformations through pictures.

I had no expectations really. I just jumped right in. Since that very first post, I have changed so much, and learned quite a bit about myself. The most fascinating part about this is, you guys have been hanging in there with me all the way. 

Very early on

I have a few goals this year. One of them is to re-do my blog. It needs a serious make-over. I recognize that I put as much thought into the layout as I new to do at the time. I know better now, so I should do better.

My first experiment with COLOR! This dress is/was everything!

Another one of my goals is to participate in the blogging community more. There are bloggers in the Twin Cities area, and I want to connect with them. There are also things like "Link Ups" and "Blog Hops" that I want to get into more, as well as Guest Blogging on one of the homies blogs ;) #BLMGirls

Tried something new with my scarf here. Blogging has provided so much inspiration!
A more personal goal that I had this year, and accomplished was "going natural". I transitioned for almost 11 months, the finally did it!! I was so proud of myself!

3 months after

Last but not least, I have a weight loss/health/fitness goal for this year. I have been slowly working up to this for a while. It started in June when I went to a health/wellness fair that my job was holding. I hopped on the scale only to find out that I was at my heaviest weight ever! I left the fair with a sense of determination, and a hint of embarrassment. Thinking to myself, How could I have allowed this to happen??  What's crazy to me is, I had been taking pictures of myself for almost a year, and never really saw a need to change. It wasn't until I saw the number on the scale that my light bulb came on. What I do know is, my second thought was, What am I going to do about it?

My very first OOTD picture

I joined the gym at work, and haven't looked back since! I officially reached 17lbs lost about a week ago, and that means the absolute world to me. In the short term I have around 15lbs to go. As far as the long term, I will figure that out once I reach my next milestone.

Today after my workout

The weight and inches are slowly coming off, and I'm feeling much better than I've felt in a long time. I'm looking better too(in my eyes)! I'm making lifestyle changes that I can keep up with for the rest of my life. It's amazing what being active everyday can do for your confidence! =D

Date Night with Hubby about two weeks ago
**Did you set any goals at the beginning of the year? Did you accomplish them? What are your goals for next year?**

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