

Since yesterday's outfit was so vibrant and stunning (to me anyways), today I felt like being a little more low-key. I calmed it down with my army green shirt/dress. I love the versatility. In the Spring and Summer, I wear it as a dress all of the time, but once it gets colder, I wear it as a shirt.  I also have a khaki one. I bought them both from Target on the 75% off rack. Not sure exactly what I paid, but for me to buy both, it had to have been a steal! To add a little splash of color, I added a pink cami underneath. I switched out the green string like belt that came with the dress for my own black one to tie in the pants (which are too big for me, but I'm making them work). The shoes you've seen before... here. Until next next...

Daily Palette

Shirt/Dress - Merona - Target
Cami - Fashion Bug
Pants - Lane Bryant
Shoes - a.n.a - JC Penny


Color & Stripes

The dress that I'm wearing in this OOTD post is absolutely gorgeous! I've seen it around in the blog world, but not on anyone I knew, so I said what the heck. I was drawn to it at the Old Navy Outlet. Not to mention that the price was $12.99. SCORE!! I can't get enough of all the color in this dress. I wore it to work today, but only after running it by my daughter, husband and sister in law (I made her to come out of her house in the wee hours of the morning... Thanks Regina!). I had to make sure it was office appropriate. I'm not usually this loud with my outfits. Not to mention that it's a bit body hugging. I was a bit curvalicious =D I got the approval, and I was off to work. I chose to do no more than a bracelet and earrings for accessories. The dress was enough! It was definitely a conversation piece at work. I can't wait to wear it for a night on the town. Until next time...

Daily Palette

Dress - Old Navy
Belt - Target
Shoes - Steve Madden Herberger's 


Bad photos, great pants...

Sooooo, once I saw the quality of the pics from todays outfit "shoot", I was really hesitant to post them. I used my camera instead of my husbands, and the pics just weren't as good. My apologies. Anyhoo, I really wanted to post the pants that I got from the Gap Outlet. I am in love with them! I must have conjured up the thought that the Gap's clothes wouldn't fit me, so I never shopped there. Boy was I wrong! These "skinny" pants are wonderfully made and fit me like a glove. Not to mention, another awesome find at a whopping $6.99!! Gap now has a new customer! This is my second post where the pants have been my favorite part of the outfit. That's a nice change from shoes consistently being my fav. Until next time...

Daily Palatte

Sweater dress/tunic - Gifted (Thanks Angelique!!)
Scarf - Claire's 
Pants - Gap
Bag - Coach
Shoes - Mossimo - Target


What I wore today...

Blogging has become a real live hobby for me! A HUGE thank you to all who have visited, and read my ramblings. I hope you continue to come back every now and again (or regularly) =D

The thought for my outfit today started on Saturday. I went to the Old Navy Outlet (again) and the first thing I saw in the store was the trouser jeans, and they were 75% off!! Yea, you heard me! I couldn't pass them up. $10 for some jeans?! Sign me up! Not only were they cheap, they fit really nicely. I don't even mind them being a bit long. I think pants/jeans should be a bit longer if you have the wide leg like that. Needless to say, they are my favorite part of my outfit. I have had some really good luck at that outlet. I have a Gap Outlet find that I'm dying to show off... probably tomorrow. Until next time...

Color Palette

Button down shirt - Target
Yellow tube top - Dots
Trouser Jeans - Old Navy
Shoes - Jacked from my Aunts closet (Thanks Cynthia! =D)
Purse - Coach


Gymshoe swag...

It seems like forever since I've posted!! Since it gets dark earlier, my time to take pics when I get home form work is short & I haven't found a good spot in my house to take pics yet.

This is my Friday outfit. Casual, comfy, cute. Jacket previously seen here. I was so comfortable in this outfit. And any chance that I get to wear my most favorite pair of gym shoes, sign me up! I've been telling hubby for years that this is one of my favorite styles of Jordan's and what did he do? Get them for me for my birthday. Yay me!! Needless to say, the shoes are my favorite part of the outfit. Big surprise.

I broke down and relaxed my hair. It's so flat & lifeless right now. Soon, I will get my ends trimmed and hopefully a layered cut. Until next time...

Color Palette

Jacket - Sanoma - Kohls
Grey & white tank tops - Target
Jeans - Target
Shoes - Jordan's - Nike Store


Hey young world...

I wanted to do a post about my style as my younger self. As I went through my pics, I began to think... Is there anything that I would have done differently in my life up to this point? Are there things that I would go back and tell or for-warn young Shanticka so she could possibly change the outcome? Any advice that I would give her to be prepared for certain situations?

Hi 3 year old Shanticka! You are too cute for your own good. No advice there, this pic is just too adorable =D 

14 year old Shanticka. Bye, bye Chicago! Hello Minnesota! You don't know it yet, but that is where you will call home. Embrace it. You'll have much more fun. I know you don't understand it now, but it gets better. Thank your Auntie because it was for the best. And, that haircut was a fashion DON'T!

Hi 15 year old Shanticka! Having fun is great, but have you taken the time to find your passion? Keep up the good grades. It wouldn't hurt to get your eyebrows waxed every now and again! And yes, Granny is proud of you (I always wondered if she was). There's a lot of high pony-tail action going on from 15 to 17. Just an observation. Ha!

 Wud up, 17 year old Shanticka! Where did the time go? Are you preparing for college? Work/jobs/money will always be there. Prepare yourself to go to college and figure out what you want to do as a career. If you are persistent, things will work out.

Well, 18 year old Shanticka... the high school ride is over. I'm glad you had fun. Keep in touch with your friends. Your instincts are better than you think they are. Trust them. That amazing young fella that you just met... He is just that. AMAZING! 

Other than to advice to go to college (which I didn't do), I don't really have any for my younger self. Changing one thing, changes everything. And I feel like I'm in the exact moment that I'm supposed to be in. Everything that I've done and been through has prepared me for who I am today. When I look in the mirror, I'm glad to say that I LOVE what I see, inside and out. 

Until next time...


Weekend girl...

 Who doesn't love the weekend? I get so excited Fridays at 4pm. Not because my weekends are so filled with things to do, but because they usually aren't. I'm the type who loves to stay at home and chill on my weekends. And if I do anything, it includes running errands with hubby, and/or hanging with the kids. This Saturday, I ran around with hubby, doing some shopping at the outlets. I went to the Old Navy Outlet and found quite a few deals! I will be posting about them later on in the week. This is my Saturday look. Nothing special, just comfy and perfect for the weather. My favorite thing about my outfit is my hat. It was an awesome find at Herbergers for a mere $5. Love it!

Daily Palette

Hat - Herbergers
Shirt - Target
Jeans - Herbergers
Bag - Target (another great deal @ $7!)
Shoes - Target