
Versitile Blogger, that's me!

I was very excited to see that Dee over at Cheap & Fabulous Mom had recognized me as aVersatile Blogger! Thanks Dee! I love her blog! I love that she includes her children and it's a family affair over there! Please go check her out. You won't be disappointed! =D

In order for me to accept this nomination, I must do the following:

1. I must thank the blogger who nominated me for the award and provide a link back to them in my post.
2. I must share 7 random things about myself.
3. I must pass the award along to 15 recently discovered blogs I enjoy reading.
3. I must contact my chosen bloggers via Facebook, twitter, email etc, to let them know about the award.
4. I must add the versatile Blogger award picture on my blog post.

Random things about me!

1. I love bacon (then again, who doesn't)
2. My shoe size is 7 1/2 to 8, depending on the width of the shoe.
3. I used to be a nail biter
4. I wanted braces when I was little
5. I don't eat oatmeal because I think it looks like puke and the texture is just weird
6. I have never colored my hair. I really want to, but I'm afraid
7. I'm working on my facial expressions & body language. However I'm feeling is usually written all over my face =D

Now on to my nominations for this award. If you get a chance (if you don't already) please check out the blogs below. They are just a few of the lovely blogs that I enjoy. =D

My Aura
Diva in Deep Thought
Embracing the Real Me
Bigg Badd Wolf
Fashion Pad
A Sassy Woman
Longing 4 Length
Khalilahs Kloset
Faith Family Fashion
Fancy Curves
Pretty Darkgirl Style
Cheap Chic and Curvy

Until next time...


  1. Awwwe shucks! Thank you girl!

  2. Congrats on your Nomination GIrly.. and thanks for passing on the love to me :), you are to funny..about Oatmeal looks weird haha..

  3. Congrats on your nomination!!!! And thanks for nominating me as well as a few others for this awesome award :) I truly appreciate it and so grateful that we are blogging buddies!! Oh and I am NOT a fan of Oatmeal because it looks like puke and I think its disgusting as well lol


  4. Thank you Ticka!! You certainly are a versatile blogger. I've been slacking on my blogging lately and what a coincidence I run across this today! I'm on my way to past posts to check you out, mama. Thank you again =]

  5. Thanks pumpkin!!! And of course congrats on your recognition...you deserve it!!! I'm lmbo off at your oatmeal statement. I love it but I can see why you're disturbed by it, lol. I'll have to get on my random facts soon.

  6. Too funny! LOL @ Oatmeal looks like puke! Congrats on the nomination and also reaching the 100+ mark! :)


  7. Congrats hunni... OMG!!!! U wanted braces... I was RUNNING and STILL RUNNING til this day!!!! lol

  8. Congrats!!!! I really like that you promoted other blogs in this post!!
