
Lady in a blue dress...

I was so happy to get through Monday. Now it's Tuesday, and my day wasn't any better. Wednesday is sure to bring better days, right? Oh well.

It's hard not to smile when I look at this blue Michael Kors dress that I snagged at Nordstrom Rack. I spotted the dress, regular price $99.99. To my surprise, it was marked down to $19.99!! I tried it on immediately. I initially picked up the XL, but that was too big (I always go bigger and work my way down if needed), so I tried the Large. It worked! =D They had the dress in this amazing blue, navy, and black. I would have picked up the black one too if they would have had it in my size. I decided to pair it with my wonderful leopard shoes from Target. You will be seeing them in one more post that's soon to come. After that, I'm done with them for a while... I promise. ;)

Until next time...

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I wore the dress this past Saturday because The Wine-Oh's (see previous post) went to dinner at Manny's Steakhouse (food pics below) and had a grand old time. 
My dessert

The food was AWESOME!! They have the best Lobster Cakes!

Color Palette


  1. That dress is so cute. I can't believe it was under $20 at Nordstrom Rack, wow. And that food looks delicious.

  2. You look absolutely gorgeous Ticka! I love you in color!! Great dress and shoes are fab!


  3. OMG! You are wearing the he-double hockey sticks out of that dress. I didn't even pull up the entire post before I was given you cat calls! And that backshot is the business...lol! You givin it to 'em girl!

  4. Ohh how I love MK you look fantastic! That cake/food are killin' me.. they look so good!

  5. That color is gorgeous on you, and your body is bangin' in this dress my dear!

  6. Girl you are working that dress!!! I see those leopard print pumps are on your FAV shoe list!! WORK! The food looked awesome :)

  7. Work Honey!!! You are wearing that dress Ms. Ticka!!

    Carsedra of:



  8. And you are looking fabulous in this dress! WERKING WERKING! I hope your Wednesday was better.

  9. Love the vibrant blue! =)


  10. Girl what a fabulous find!!! The dress is cute and classy and definitely able to fit in your wardrobe for years to come. Love how you rocked it with leopard print heels.

  11. Ticka I can't believe you snagged this gorgeous dress for only $20! It fits you well and you look great!


  12. I love that dress Ticka!!!

  13. Michael Kors is one of my favorite designers! I adore Nordstrom's Rack so very much! Blue is your color lady.. you look fab. I also can't believe the shoes are from Target great find!

  14. Great dress! Nordstrom Rack is great! They have some steals there- don't they? -Jessica


  15. You look great in this gorgeous dress. What a GREAT buy!

  16. I am loving the dress and it fits you wonderfully!

  17. That Cobalt BLUE looks GOOD on YOU!!!!! U got that for a STEAL!!!!

  18. Girrrlllfriend this dress is everything! Now I NEED sonething cobalt blue & pronto. The shoes were a nice twist. The entire look is a hit.

  19. Girrrlllfriend this dress is everything! Now I NEED sonething cobalt blue & pronto. The shoes were a nice twist. The entire look is a hit.

  20. Looks like a lovely dinner and you so fit the part with that dress! LOVES it! The way you styled it with the leopard....fabulous!

