
Dare to be...

Hey peeps! Long time no see!!

I've come to the realization that Instagram has been my mistress for the past few months. Like any cheater, I've neglected my home, so it became less appealing. The interaction that I get on IG is awesome because it's in real time and I feel like I'm getting to know those of you who are over there.

I do miss the writing side of blogging and I also miss those of you who aren't on IG. Btw, what the heck are you waiting for? Get on over there and connect with me! :)

Anyhoo, on to more pressing matters. Like the fact that most of you know, Google Reader is going away. Aside from Instagram, you can still find me on Twitter BlogLovin. And for you guys who are worried about finding/losing blogs that you read everyday, (mine included) I've transitioned over to a really cool alternative for Google Reader. It's called Feedly. I was able to migrate all of the blogs from my Google Reader to Feedly very easily and it's actually better than I thought it would be! Try it!

I've babbled long enough. It's time for my OOTD. I know that this outfit is not everyones cup of tea. Hell, I wouldn't even wear it without the Hubs!! There's no need to give me "constructive" feedback on how NOT to show my midriff. Yes, I know I have stretch love marks & this tummy ain't flat (I'm working on that part). I have two children and I've lived with all of the love they've given me for the past 14 years (shout out to my babies!!).  I've heard/read it all. Seriously. I got this.  There's a reason why it's called personal style. It's, well… Personal. There's also something awesomely liberating about owning your own style. Hits, misses, and everything in-between. Do it. I dare you!

Until next time…

P.S., my daughter cut my feet out of every pic & I didn't notice until I started editing. Ugh! Gotta love her!

Denim shirt - Target
Skirt - H & M
Sandals (not shown *eye roll*) - Target


  1. I think your outfit is cute, girlie! And I need to check Feedly out too.

  2. Love that skirt on you. Wish I could have seen your sandals. I bet they were cute ;)

  3. Thank you!! They were plain sandals, but I still thought they were cute! Apparently, my daughter didn't :/ lol

  4. Thanks! And YES, check it out. It's so easy to use

  5. That skirt is super cute! I love that you take chances and have your own style- you look amazing! Keep it up girl!!!

  6. I TOTALLY agree,,, IG had me slacking on my blog! It's crazy... I feel like once my picture is posted on IG no need to blog it! But Imma do better! BTW, you are looking GORGE slim! ~wink

  7. You look fab! Love the jean with the striped skirt!


  8. Whitney 'Nic' James6/26/13, 5:22 AM

    I see you!!! You look great girl! And Instagram can take over...I feel you on that. LOL


  9. I already commented on IG but I'm not done (lol) You look great! Love the outfit...you know I love a denim shirt!

  10. Ma'am... your stomach is FLAT! You have an hourglass shape!

  11. Hottie!! get it girl.

    <3 Marina

